Monday, November 10, 2008

Diabetic Tattoos

Something I have been interested in for about 7-8 years is the art of tattooing. Unfortunately, it is frowned upon in the teaching profession, so I have to keep that interest somewhat quiet. Another interest is diabetes, simply because I have it. There has actually been some medical tests done using a special type of ink to create tattoos. It is meant to measure blood sugar levels. The colors in the tattoo will change as one's blood sugar changes. I find this absolutely awesome. While it is not a perfect method, it is still another way diabetics, especially those who love tattoos, to check their blood sugar. It is still very much in the beta process, but if it becomes perfected, I might have to get a diabetic tattoo.

Video Editing

So on top of being a P.E. major and being very involved with athletics, my other passion is video editing. I have been editing since the middle of high school (about 8 years). It started out because I was the only one of my friends with a video camera, so I found editing programs online to work with and went from there. I currently use Adobe Premiere to edit, but also use Photoshop and After Effects to compliment my videos. My projects include a few short films, goofy videos ive made with my friends and some professional work with Penn State Football.

It is something that could help me in the classroom because technology, especially video, is becoming more and more useful in the PE room.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Roller Hockey Team

A bunch of my friends joined a roller hockey league over the summer and I will be joining the team for the winter session. I didn't play before because I've only played street goalie, and don't really have the equipment for actual play. I also got really frustrated/bored playing goalie because getting 24445 goals scored against you in one game is NOT fun. There is no glory in goalie. I played goalie and D in soccer... I want to score for once. Since I've been practicing, I've developed quite a slap shot, so I'll probably play the point on power plays. The league should be really fun, let's just hope I don't fall on my butt my first shift. Ideally.. I'd like to pull a Lemieux- first goal on first shot of first shift. Nice.

Recent Video Editing

I never really thought I would do much video editing after college because I got tired of it and was frustrated with poor editing software, but now I am overloaded with editing work. I have to do a wedding slideshow for my brother, which will take a lot longer than it should. I am also working on a soccer promo video for the high school team I help coach. It is coming along really well, and I hope the team enjoys it when it's done. It's done to the Foo Fighters song "The Pretender". I think it's the type of video that could be used for future portfolios in both the editing field and teaching field. I also just filmed my Tech PETE skill video. It should come out really well and will hopefully be the best edited in the class (or should be given my background in editing).

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hockey Season

With so much talk about the start of football seasons, it's nice to have a small community of people that are way more excited about the start of hockey season. The Pens first game is in two weeks and I couldn't be more excited. As a fan of 15 years, I am really happy to see the team doing well the last couple of years. I watched every game for the last 6 seasons, even the horribly bad games. I am also excited because the cooler weather means I will start playing street hockey soon. I've been playing goalie the last year, but it just isn't as fun as skating and scoring. I got a new stick and skates, so I am very excited to get rollin'.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The first entry - ipod touch

I purchased an iPod Touch last fall because I was looking to update an old iPod and basically because I love new technology. I did not want an iPhone, because I do not use AT&T and the monthly charges are incredible. I love my iPod Touch and everything that goes along with it (and even some stuff most people don't have on it). This summer, though, I needed a new cell phone, and purchased an excellent one from Samsung on my Sprint account. It is a great phone, but now I have an iPod Touch and a SmartPhone. With the release of the iPhone 3G, I would really like to have everything in one. The iPhone is simply AWESOME.... but not having AT&T and the large monthly fees will make me continue to wait until I combine my media components.